Science Fiction and Fantasy Masterworks

These series undertakes to republish Science Fiction books that are considered classic and are otherwise unavailable. They represent a range of publication dates throughout the 20th century and earlier.

(1999), (2000), 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Note: during the year Millennium was bought by Gollancz Books. Whilst this has not affected the publishing schedule, the Fantasy books are under Gollancz's imprint while the Science Fiction books remain under the Millennium imprint.

January 2001


Samual R Delany

Fevre Dream

George RR Martin

February 2001

The First Men in the Moon Book Reviewed

HG Wells

Beauty Book Reviewed

Sheri S Tepper

March 2001

The City and the Stars Book Reviewed

Arthur C Clarke

The King of Elfland's Daughter

Lord Dunsany

April 2001

Blood Music

Greg Bear

The Conan Chronicles Vol 2: The Hour of the Dragon

Robert E Howard

May 2001


Frederik Pohl

Elric (Omnibus consisting of The Stealer of Souls & Stormbringer)

Book Reviewed

Michael Moorcock

June 2001

Bring the Jubilee Book Reviewed

Ward Moore

The First Book of Lankhmar (i.e. the 1st volume of the Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser stories)

Fritz Leiber

July 2001


Philip K Dick

The Riddle-Master's Game (The Riddle Master of Hed, Heir of Fire and Sea, Harpist in the Wind) Book Reviewed

Patricia McKillip

August 2001

The Lathe of Heaven Book Reviewed

Ursula LeGuin

Time and Again Book Reviewed

Jack Finney

September 2001

The Complete Roderick

John Sladek

Mistress of Mistresses

ER Eddison

October 2001

No book Listed

Gloriana, or the Unfulfill'd Queen

Michael Moorcock

November 2001

Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said

Philip K Dick

The Well of the Unicorn

Fletcher Pratt

December 2001

The Invisible Man

HG Wells

The Second Book of Lankhmar

Fritz Leiber

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