Starting from January 2000, Millennium introduced the Fantasy Masterworks series which is published concurrently with the Science Fiction Masterworks series: a book from each series each month. The following lists these books, the Science Fiction book first followed by the Fantasy book.
T J Bass |
> |
Philp K Dick |
The Long Tomorrow | Leigh Brackett |
Votan and Other Novels | John James |
The Godwhale | T J Bass |
Lord Darcy | Randall Garrett |
Jem | Frederick Pohl |
The Incredible Shrinking Man | Richard Matheson |
A Case of Conscience | James Blish |
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever | James Tiptree Jr |
Stand on Zanzibar | John Brunner |
Ombria in Shadow | Patricia McKillip |
Mythago Wood | Robert Holdstock |
Mission of Gravity | Hal Clements |