Starting from January 2000, Millennium introduced the Fantasy Masterworks series which is published concurrently with the Science Fiction Masterworks series: a book from each series each month. The following lists these books, the Science Fiction book first followed by the Fantasy book.
Daniel Keyes | |
Gene Wolfe |
Philip K Dick | |
Lord Dunsany |
Greg Benford | |
ER Eddison |
Theodore Sturgeon | |
Jack Vance |
Frederik Pohl | |
John Crowley |
James Blish | |
Roger Zelazny |
M John Harrison | |
M John Harrison |
Philip K Dick | |
Robert E Howard |
Brian Aldiss | |
Jonathan Carroll |
Arthur C Clark | |
L Sprauge de Camp & Fletcher Pratt |
Keith Roberts | |
Hope Mirrlees |
Philip K Dick | |
Gene Wolfe |
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