For decades in UK bookshops and libraries, the simple yellow covered books of the Gollancz science fiction range have been a marker for excellence in the Science Fiction field.
Now, the editors at Gollancz have come up with a new collection. Using that massive back catalogue, they have issued a new range of books - the Gollancz SF Collectables series. Maintaining the traditional plain (but very bright!) yellow covers of the original hardback books, this series is actually a paperback, though of rather thick card.
As Gollancz are rather shy about publicising this great series, the following have been arranged alphabetically by author rather than attempting to arrange them by date they were republished. Just click on a letter below to see the authors listed under that letter.
So get out those sunglasses and ENJOY!
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Anderson, Poul - Tau
Asimov, Isaac - The End of Eternity
Bishop, Michael - No Enemy but Time
Blish, James - The
Seedling Stars
Butler, Octavia - Wild Seed (according to the catalogues...)
Brown, Eric - New York Nights
Brunner, John - The Jagged Orbit
Cadigan, Pat - Mindplayers
Clement, Hal - Mission of Gravity
Crowley, John - Beasts
Delany, Samuel R - The Jewels of Aptor
Haldeman, Joe - All My Sins Remembered
Haldeman, Joe - Mindbridge
Haldeman, Joe - Worlds
Harrison, Harry - A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!
Heinlein, Robert - The Door into Summer
Heinlein, Robert - Orphans of the Sky
Holland, Cecelia - Floating Worlds
Knuttner, Henry - Fury
Le Guin, Ursula - The Wind's Twelve Quarters
Le Guin, Ursula - The City
of Illusions
Leiber, Fritz - The Wanderer
Mann, Phillip - The Eye of the Queen
Miller Jnr, Walter M - The Best of Walter M Miller Jnr.
Morrow, James - This is the Way the World Ends
Pohl, Frederick & Kornbluth, CM - Wolfbane
Russell, Eric Frank - Wasp
Russell, Eric Frank - Next of Kin
Schmitz, James H. - The Witches of Karres
Shaw, Bob - Orbitsville
Shaw, Bob - A Wreath of Stars
Silverberg, Robert - The Stochastic Man
Silverberg, Robert - Thorns
Silverberg, Robert - The Masks of Time
Silverberg, Robert - Tower of Glass
Silverberg, Robert - Son of Man
Simak, Clifford D - Way Station
Sladek, John - The Reproductive System
Sladek, John - Tik-Tok
Smith, Cordwainer - Norstrilia
Stapledon, Olaf - Sirius
Strugatsky, Arkady & Boris - Roadside Picnic
Sturgeon, Theodore - Dreaming Jewels
Tenn, William - Of Men and Monsters
Vance, Jack - Big
Vance, Jack - The Blue World
Varley, John - The Ophiuchi Hotline
Watson, Ian - The Embedding
Watson, Ian - The Jonah Kit
Zelazny, Roger - This Immortal
Zelazny, Roger - Damnation
The above books are available through and
Click here to view the Science Fiction & Fantasy Masterworks Lists and here for the SF Masterworks Hardback list.