Author biographies starting with A
- Ben Aaronovitch: Ben was born in London and has written for the original Doctor Who series including 'Battlefield' an (More...)
- Dan Abnett: Abnett's primary areas of work have been with 2000 AD and Marvel Comics (including its UK imprint). (More...)
- Brian Aldiss: He served in the far east during the war in the Royal Signals and went on to work as an assistant in (More...)
- Roger MacBride Allen: Roger MacBride Allen has a distinguished career as a Science Fiction author. Born in the American St (More...)
- Poul Anderson: Born of Scandinavian parents in the US state of Pensylvannia, Poul and his family spent a number of (More...)
- Isaac Asimov: Dr Asimov was born in 1920 in the Soviet Union. He emigrated along with his parents to the United St (More...)