The Eleventh Doctor

The eleventh doctor does not start off his regeneration with a regular companion, coming into being after his tenth regeneration had taken a massive radiation overdose saving Wilf Mott (Donna Nobles grandfather).

During his first adventure, we meet Amy Pond, originally when she was about seven and later in her twenties when she began her travels with the Doctors.

For a short while Rory, Amy's fiance travels with them but is overtaken by the time split.

Both Rory and Amy join the Doctor along with River Song after the Doctor died at the start of season 6 (yes it does make sense, honest!).

The Ponds stop travelling with the Doctor when they ran afoul of the weeping angels in New York and were trapped in the 1930s. After they left the Doctor, it took him a while to take up with a fresh companion and this was Clara Oswin, the spitting image of people he had met in earlier adventures.

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