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is straightforward enough - a cookie is an American biscuit - alright, no. Or, rather, in this case, no.
A cookie is a text file, held on your PC in a special area, that holds some information about the web site that created the cookie. It is commonly used to hold any user names, passwords and preferences that you may have set up that relate to that site.
is always a contentious question. As stated in the 'What are they?' section cookies are commonly used to store your personal preferences for a particular web site.
In the case of this site, the presence of the cookie will automatically enable you to maintain your score, allowing you to compare your performance with other users of the site. Of course, you don't have to use the cookie - just leave the 'Keep your login details on this computer' check box unticked - the default. But to register your score you'll need to login each time.
Once registered, each time you come back to this quiz your score will be added to your entry and the number of quizes you've done will also be updated. These two items will be available to a leaderboard and registered users will be shown highest scoring to lowest and with your average score will also be shown.