Major Operation


When a Monitor Corps scout ship runs into trouble on the newly discovered planet of Meatball, the casualty is rushed to Sector General where it was delivering samples. Once there, the medical evacuee is treated to the usual skilful attentions of the staff.

Shortly after, Senior Physician Mannen starts making a series of mistakes that a first year House Officer would be embarrassed to make. In his desperation to prove that his boss is not suffering from some exotic mental imbalance, Dr Conway comes up with the wacky idea that a disembodied intelligence is at work. He's as surprised as Chief Psychologist O'Mara to find the truth - a tool that shapes itself to whatever the user requires. Naturally everyone is really excited by the possibilities and Conway is sent to negotiate with the creators of these amazing tools.

If he had realised the how frustrating finding out who to negotiate with would be, Dr Conway might have had second thoughts before accepting the job; not only does he have to persuade the Drambon Rollers from attacking the continent sized entities but he has to undo the damage caused by those that had been nuked!

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