American Empire: The Centre Cannot Hold


By the mid nineteen twenties, the United States were at peace and the most powerful country on the planet. Maybe. The Imperial Germans, lording it over a devastated Europe, would certainly disagree and, undefeated of the Entente Powers, Japan disputed the Pacific with America.

However, things were good and the Socialists had broken the virtually unbroken Democrat hold on the Powell House; the stock market was shooting up like there was no tomorrow. However, the Canadians were restive and a rebellion led to many deaths and the Mormons of Utah, on the verge of having the military presence reduced, killed the military governor ensuring that the occupation would be increasingly harsh.

Even in independent Quebec, by and large at peace, some are wondering what price their big brother in the South would demand for giving them their freedom.

In the Confederate States, too, things seem to be going well for the people and Jake Featherston’s Freedom Party was finding it hard to find supporters.

However, not all is rosy and there are signs of the chaos to follow when natural disaster in the CSA finds the government wanting and Featherston’s almost moribund party gets a much-needed boost. But can he go all the way to the Presidency, and what would happen if he made it?

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