Against the Tide of Years
It's been nine years since the island of Nantucket found itself flung back over three thousand years and a new generation is coming up never having known the luxuries of the twentieth century.
But not all is good in a time when the Nantucketers' technical superiority should have seen them safe from the deprivations of the bronze age barbarians. Not only was the renegade Coastguard officer William Walker carving out a sphere of influence in the Achaean heartlands but the new ruler of Tartessos had no intention of letting his city of going down to forgetfulness under the flow of the years
As one of their own, the Nantucketers put their efforts into defeating Walker and his coterie but it was the king of Tartessos who organised a fleet to take the island.
Meanwhile, Marion Alston and her lover, Swindapa of the White Isle, are busy exploring the coast of East Africa in their little fleet of vessels when they are caught in a huge storm that leads to new allies for the Nantucketers.
The main Nantucket forces, unable to force the Straights of Gibraltar against the inimical forces of Tatessos, are forced to fight their way through the deserts of Mesopotamia with the King of Babylon as their ally against the Assyrian Empire, which falls to the mixture of future technology and discipline that they bring to the art of war. Discipline and technological advances are not the only things that they bring though and the city of Babylon is struck by a plague that threatens to reduce the city to ghost haunted ruins.
Page created by John Fairhurst
Page created 2010