The Skies of Pern
The path of the Red Star has been successfully diverted from it's orbit round Pern so this Fall will be the last and the Dragon Riders reckon that their only problems are going to be what to do once the Pass is over for they have no intention to remain beholden to the Lords Holder.
For most of the population life is looking good as the various Craft Halls absorb the vast data banks left by the original colonists. But there are those who do not feel that they are benefiting. Those whose skills are being degraded by the new knowledge. Those who, frankly, fear the new information.
And those who would prey on the fears of others in order to create a power base for themselves.
When a comet fragment hits the Eastern Ocean, those who argued against the manoeuvres against the Red Star seemed to be vindicated but the Dragons act with great bravery in order to save the coastal population of both continents on Pern. In the ensuing chaos those advocating violence saw their opportunity and struck. Repeatedly. At the Healer Halls, to the anger of the holders surrounding the Craft Hall but anger against the attackers does not lead to the organisers of this disorder. The Weyrs and Craft Masters are forced to co-operate in order to trace the vandals.
While they do that, F'Lessan, son of Lessa and F'lar of Bendan, and his weyr-mate Tia of Southern discover a previously unsuspected ability of Dragons, one that will enable Dragon Riders to answer the frequently asked question "How can dragons stop rocks falling from the sky?"
After the rather contrived nature of Masterharper of Pern, this is a great return to the mighty dragons of Pern and the evolving society of Dragon Riders, Lords Holder and Crafts people.
Page created by John Fairhurst
Page created 2010