The Zones of Thought

These are regions in the Galaxy of Vernor Vinge's books 'A Fire Upon the Deep' and 'A Deepness in the Sky' that have distinct and different physical characteristics. There are four main zones but as one moves towards the boundaries, characteristics of the two interact so the transition is not necessarily smooth. There is textual evidence that the zones are not fixed; there are waves and troughs and occasional surges that bend the boundaries out of all recognition.

Heading out from the Galactic Core they are:

In general civilisations rise up the zones from the Slow Zone, through the Beyond and out to the Transcend. This is usually done as a species though there can be residual civilisations in the various level. Humanity seems unique in that many Human dominated civilisations remain in the Beyond. The boundaries between the individual zones are also somewhat fluid - a boundary can surge, so that the Slow Zone can cover a region that was once in the Beyond.

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