
Trains would not appear, on the face of it, to be a terribly SF way of getting about - Starships or Time Machines are much more the thing. However, they have a distinguished record in the literature.

Colin Kapp's short story 'The Railways up on Canis' tells of the attempts of a rather unorthodox squad of engineers to repair the railways on that ill-fated planet, for it was a young world, prone to volcanism and the railways had not been built to any standard gauge.

Dr Who gets a mention forTransit, set in the late 21st century, where the Solar system has been interlinked by a system that looks remarkably like an underground system, and is certainly one of the more advanced uses of the technology in SF.

The Professor Summerfield adventure Tempest is set on a long distance monorail train journey and owing a genuflection to Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express.

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