The 11th Doctor The Doctor


This Doctor is more mysterious than the tenth incarnation but he's also a lot more involved with his companions, especially the female ones.

The Eleventh Hour introduces us to the new Dcotor and effectively follows on immediately from the events at the end of the New Year's Day special. With the TARDIS burning up over London the Doctor is struggling to reintergate himself after his regeneration. As the TARDIS came to a halt in a garden, the Doctor is introduced to Amelia Pond aged seven who seems to be a very self assured young woman even then as she is faced with the impossible task of trying to find some food that the Doctor would find acceptable. She also tells him about the crack in her bedroom wall. The one through which she hears voices. With a little bit of help from his new sonic screwdriver, the Doctor manages to close it - it was a crack in the Space/Time continuum, not the wall's plaster and then promises Amelia that he just needs to take the TARDIS for a spin round the Moon to run her back in but he'll be back in five minutes, but, however spiffy the TARDIS is (and it's looking very spiffy in it's own regeneration so far), it's still got a few control issues so it's just a bit later than five minutes before the Doctor returns...
In fact it's quite a few years later and Amelia's long gone and the young lady now living there was having a terrible time seeing all the rooms in the house - apparently something was blocking her perceptions of it. Eventually, a connection is made between the people appearing in two place at once, Amy's lodger and the alien spacefleet that's suddenly invested the planet. After coming back for Amy Pond (for indeed the young woman he'd met in the latter part of the adventure was the young girl he'd left behind before) the Doctor was a couple of years later than he'd said he'd be and he invited Amy out for a ride, to return in time for the following morning - something about a wedding. Rather optimistically all things considered, Amy agrees to go with the Doctor.

In The Beast Below, Amy and the Doctor find themselves far into the future confronted by a huge starship containing all that remained of the population of the United Kingdom after solar flares had burnt off Earth. (It's not explicitly linked to the flares that had destroyed Earth in the Fourth Doctor story The Ark in Space but the implication's fairly clear). As always there's darkness hidden in the depths as the two travellers become involved in the action despite the Doctor's injunctions not to get involved.
The Doctor and Amy got to meet the 10th Queen Elizabeth whose reign had been somewhat longer than even she thought. As Starship UK makes it's way into space, we spot a strange crack in the hull...

In The Daleks' Victory the Doctor and Amy respond to a phone call for help from Winston Churchill during the London blitz. The Doctor finds that he’s arrived only a month after that call during which time Churchill has become more confident of victory, all due to a wonderfully advanced scientist whose mind was overflowing with all sorts of ideas. But his main invention were the ironsides. When an ironside appears we find that it’s a dalek in grey... The Doctor is duly horrified but Churchill is desperate and when the Doctor asks Amy for some backup she denies all knowledge of them. Rather unlikely given what the daleks had done to Earth a few short years before but the Doctor’s a bit too busy to fully investigate at the time. After all, there are daleks to be insulted. However, it seems that the daleks needed the Doctor to declare himself their enemy for they’ve been upgraded once more and the upgrades saw the old daleks as inferior. Rather interestingly the new daleks resemble some old (and less than accurate) dalek models – but they do look rather spiffy.
The spitfires attacking the dalek mothership were a bit silly (and I don’t think they had the union flag on them like these).
Matt Smith was actually quite impressive as his character is forced to make a choice between destroying the daleks or saving the Earth.

The Time of Angels opens in the far future with the Doctor and Amy looking through the exhibits of the largest museum in history. The Doctor is looking through the exhibits seeing which were labelled correctly or not until he comes to the flight recorder of an old spaceship which had High Gallifreyan glyphs burnt into its surface. As the Doctor said, "once upon a time, such words spelt the doom of whole solar systems. Now they said 'Hello Sailor...'". Complete with the flight recorder, the Doctor and Amy retreat to the TARDIS for additional study. Meanwhile, we see flashback scenes of the text being burnt into the recorder and the actions of the exuberant lady doing it as she plans her escape - rather depending on the Doctor's skills in getting the TARDIS to the correct spot in space/time.
Once aboard, River Song, the leader of the team in the Tenth Doctor stories 'Silence in the Library' and 'Forest of the Dead' takes command. The Doctor's (from her point of view) wife utters the immortal phrase 'Follow that Starship' while programming the TARDIS. They find the starship had crashed and River Song tells him there's a Weeping Angel (from the Tenth Doctor story 'Blink') aboard and she'd called in the troops - a squad of the Church Militant were already in orbit.
The interior scenes of the catacombs were rather impressive and the designers managed to create an excellent sense of claustrophobia as the troops hunted for the missing Angel - in a place filled with statues. As the search continued, they realise the starship crashing just there was probably not as accidental as it may have initially appeared...

Flesh and Stone sees the survivors make their way into the crashed ship where they have to make their way to the vessel's control room so they can shut down the powerplant. But Amy's been infected by the Angel and daren't open her eyes. The Doctor, River Song and the Bishop make their way through the forested interior while the Bishop's men remain with Amy. As they wait, the patrol sends out members to investigate the light just beyond the hill. Strangely, the men disappear and the team leader swears that he's never heard of them. Eventually only Amy's left and she has to make her way to where the Doctor and River Song are ensconced in the control room. Only problem is she's got to negotiate her way past the Angels infesting the ship. While keeping her eyes closed....

In The Vampires of Venice the Doctor turns up at Amy's fiance's stag night, much to the disappointment of everyone else and his explanation of why he's there doesn't go down all that well. To make up for a kiss and the spoilt party, the Doctor takes Amy and Rory to Venice where they find the city closed due to fear of the plague, which sparks the Doctor's interest as the plague had more or less died out by this time (the fifteen hundreds) and when the Doctor spots a contretemps across the canal, his interest in the countess and her son is piqued... Rory rather steals the Doctor's thunder when he refuses to be surprised by the impressive size of the TARDIS's interior.

In The Dream Lord the Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves five years on from their marriage. They've moved up in the world and Amy's expecting their first child when the Doctor reappears to see how things are going (quite well if you must ask). But then, as the birds sing, the trio fall asleep only wake up in the TARDIS, each thinking that they were merely dreaming of an ideal future (Rory's a qualified doctor there). As they compare notes, it's apparent that they've all shared the same dream. Then the birds start singing again and everyone falls asleep only to wake up in the village where the trio find themselves in a rather strange old peoples home. As this swapping continues they are visited by a person calling himself the Dream Lord who tells them they have to decide which of these two realities is the real reality (if you see what I mean) and in both, they will be put in a situation where they will die. In the dream world all that will happen is that they will wake up. In the real world they will die! Just chose the world that is real... The trouble is that a world that has aliens masquerading as OAPs wasn't as far fetched as it may seem but Amy finds a way to make the correct call. Or is there more to things than it seems?
This could have been quite a confusing story, the way it cuts between scenes but things came together reasonably well eventually and not too gooilly.

The Hungry Earth is the first of a second double parter that sees the Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in Wales about ten years into Amy and Rory’s future. Considering that the Doctor had been aiming for Rio Amy reckons this a terrible shot but given the TARDIS’s track record throughout this series perhaps she shouldn’t have been quite so surprised. While Amy demands to get on with the trip to Rio, the Doctor’s attention is taken by the supersized drilling rig that had taken over the local pit. As the Doctor and Amy go off to investigate Rory pops back to the TARDIS with Amy’s engagement ring and on re-emerging he’s taken to be a policeman sent to investigate the disappearing bodies from the local graveyard. Meanwhile, the Doctor and Amy find there are strange things going on down on the drilling floor. Things that Amy gets a good close up look at as the earth turns to quicksand under her. The people in charge of the drilling rig are persuaded to close down their operations at the twenty one kilometre limit but its already too late as the Doctor identifies a trio of pods rapidly making their way to the surface. The Doctor, Rory and the few remaining villagers fort up in the chapel and its here where the Doctor’s immersion in the problem at hand causes the loss of one of the villagers; this Doctor appears to be less concerned with those surrounding him than earlier incarnations. When they take one of the trio of invaders prisoner they find that they are dealing with an old enemy; the Silurians, although their geological age is corrected in this story; the Silurian Geological Age is far too early (about 300 million years ago), they actually come from some period in the Cretaceous (about 65 million years ago) along with their pets the tyrannosaurs (For a detailed breakdown of the various eras see this Wikipedia page: Geologic time scale). On travelling down to the Silurian’s underground haunts, the Doctor is startled to find, not the few dozen or so homo reptilians he’d expected but a whole landscape full of the creatures.
Myra Syall is fantastic as one of the geologists involved in the drilling operations and Matt Smith was stupendous as the Doctor - probably his best performance to date (I can't really say how much of this is due to the fact I was watching it on-line rather than on the TV - it's still far more exciting watching on the computer than the standard TV even allowing for the almost inevitable dropouts on the connection)

In The Cold Blood, the Doctor manages to get the Homo Reptilians and the Homo Sapiens round a table talking peace despite the strong objections of the military leader. Up on the surface, the reptilian prisoner had been tasered to death by the mother of the boy taken prisoner by the reptilians. This leads to a collapse of the peace talks as the dead being is a gene relative of the military leader who then plots a coup against the overal leader of the Silurians. Deciding that the time is not yet ripe for full-scale interactions between the two groups the leader of the Silurians decides that his people should go back into hibernation for another thousand years and with the timing circuits repaired on the cryogenics technology, it looks like the 3010s could be rather interesting...
The two geologists decided to stay with the Silurians and the rest of the humans escape to the surface as the reptilians' city is flooded with poisonous gases to quell the rebellious military. As the Doctor, Amy and Rory are about to get in the TARDIS, a super-sized crack absorbs Rory and the Doctor goes fishing for any shrapnel that might have been caught in the originating explosion. Because Rory's disappearance affected her personally, Amy found herself forgetting that he ever existed.

Vincent and the Doctor sees the Doctor taking Amy to the Orsey Gallery in Paris to visit the Vincent Van Gogh exhibition and they are both seriously impressed by the collection. Especially the one of the chapel with the horrible alien beast in the window. Sensing a conundrum, the Doctor and his companion travel back to visit the artist to see what he'd found. What they found was a reviled artist at the end of his means (Van Gogh, despite now selling for millions, could barely give away his paintings during his lifetime). When he talks of invisible monsters, most people consider he's gone off the deep end, which nearly ends in tragedy for the artist when dead bodies start turning up. Even the Doctor has trouble believing him and finds it near impossible to combat the beast. The Doctor can't resist bringing Vincent to the Orsay to see how successful he had become. You can see the painting that inspired this story here (

In The Lodger, the TARDIS arrives on present day Earth but there are strange disturbances in the Time Stream and as the Doctor steps outside, the TARDIS decides that she ought to be somewhere else and dematerialises leaving him abandoned and it's up to Amy to regain control.
Arriving at a house advertising a room for rent, the Doctor gradually becomes aware that there's something unusual going on with the upstairs lodger so he takes the room and does his best to merge in as a normal human. But will he be successful in finding out the threat?
Amy finds a disconcering item in the Doctor's pockets as she sorts it out for him...

The Pandorica Opens begins back in the late nineteenth century where Van Gogh is having a particularly bad set of dreams after completing his latest piece of work. We then cut to wartime London where Winston Churchill is presented with a rolled up canvas, and finally to the fifty third century where River Song is undertaking one of her terms in prison, but she’s still entitled to phone calls. Unfortunately for her guard.
Meanwhile, the Doctor and Amy go to visit the oldest known writing in the universe only to find that someone had scrawled a new message over the top and its quite obvious who that person was. And they’d kindly left co-ordinates as well. So the TARDIS pops over to first century AD Britannia where the Doctor and Amy are, uh, escorted to the command tent of the legionary camp they materialise next to. There they find the person that the guards thought was Cleopatra was in fact River Song and we finally get to see that picture of Van Gogh’s that had started off this whole mad rush; the TARDIS going up in a violent explosion! Not that this was any surprise to the Doctor by this stage. The Doctor, River and Amy persuade the legionary commander to lend them some horses so they could get to Stonehenge, the site of the mysterious Pandorica. For such an important prison, it seems to be rather easily found. As the Doctor analyses its defences, River lists off all the alien races that had been drawn in by the signals. All the usual suspects were there, daleks, cybermen and the nestene consciousness. Rather unfairly in my opinion so were the draconians (Third Doctor opponents of the humans when the series was going through a phase of seeing humanity as the bad guys). A rather dramatic confrontation where the Doctor dared the various races to be the first to pit their overwhelming force against his single unarmed self sees them back off much to everyone’s surprise.  A century of legionnaires provide site security, turning up just in time for their commander to save Amy from a desperate cybermen shell. In an attempt to stop the TARDIS from exploding, River Song tries to shut it down but instead finds herself travelling back to Amy’s empty house where she makes an interesting discovery; the legionary squad looking after the Doctor and Amy were all taken from Amy’s book about Roman Britannia. Except their commander who we last saw falling into crack in time. Yes, Rory’s back… of course things aren’t as they seem and as River Song tries valiantly to control the TARDIS, and fail, we learn who is inside the Pandorica.
This was a lavish production with a really beautiful classical music sound track (well done to the BBC’s Welsh Symphony Orchestra) and brilliant effects. There were a couple of niggles – the Romans at that stage wouldn’t have had stirrups with their saddles though Karen Gillan looked unhappy enough just to be on horseback and the ending makes the Tenth Doctor being shot by the daleks look like a mere bagatelle in comparison and it will be interesting to see how they get out of it.

And in The Big Bang, we get to see how this is achieved. Little Amelia Pond awakens to have seen no stranger appear in her garden but still with no parents and living with her aunt. But if Amelia doesn't dream of a Raggidy Man, she does dream of the mythical stars and draws pictures of them in the night sky, which concerns her aunt so much that she takes her niece to the doctor. But it's a stranger shoving notes through the door that send her and her aunt to the National Museum...
Additional notes persuade her to stay behind when the museum closes and then visit the gallery containing the Pandorica to see what was contained inside. As a startled Amy escapes the confines of the prison that had held her for the best part of the last two millennia, we find out how Earth had managed to survive the universal crunch. And as the story continues we find out that not even the Earth will be around much longer unless the Doctor can pull of something really miraculous and this one is fairly straighforward.
All the Doctor had to do was regenerate the exploding TARDIS, currently doing duty as the planet's sun, and travel back to the Big Bang and recreate the whole universe. Only a couple of downsides; these actions would leave the Doctor on the wrong side of the cracked universe and there was a partially regenerated dalek out hunting them. In as far as the BBC didn't try to outdo The Pandorica Opens this wasn't quite a let down but the way they had the Doctor hopping around times was a good example of why the scriptwriters don't let him do this sort of thing on a regular basis. The bit after the regeneration of the Universe, where Amy is getting married and finally gets around to seeing her parents (to the confusion of both herself and them!) as she is getting ready for her wedding was rather well done and the way she and Rory were reminded of the Doctor and the TARDIS was great. All-in-all, an okay reset and the TARDIS gets its first married couple as Companions.

My thoughts on the character:

This Doctor, befitting his youth is a bit more unsure of himself and allows his Companions to ride roughshod over his decisions. He is a bit weirder than most incarnations of the Doctor, at least so far. This, at times, can be irritating but certainly makes him distinctive from his immediate predecessor.

The actor:

Matt Smith is by far the youngest actor to play the role of the Doctor, being twenty seven when he took over the role at the beginning of 2010. This youth has been a bone of contention with fans of the series as many people think that he was too young to play the role and it is certain that he has not had the depth of experience of other actors taking up the role. I can't say that Matt Smith is going to be a classic Doctor like his immediate predecessor, David Tennant or Tom Baker but it is still very early days of course and he is clearly trying hard.

A work colleague has reported that her daughter thinks it's so wrong that a Doctor can be fanciable (the daughter was twelve when she made this statement).

At the start of the twenty twelve season, some news sources reported that Matt Smith was ready to give up the role, but other news stories have had Matt saying that he has no intention of leaving the role just yet, particularly as this would mean he would miss the fiftieth anniversary season (2013). At the end of the 2012/13 season seven, it was announces that Matt Smith would indeded be leaving the series during the now-traditional handover time of the 2013 Christmas Special.

He is being replaced by Peter Capaldi, the oldest Doctor since William Hartnell.

Episodes on DVDs

These DVDs are available from Amazon

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