Downbelow Station


Pell station is the first stop out from Sol system for the hyperships that ply the space lanes of the galaxy.

Pell station is the only station outside Earth or Cyteen to orbit an Earth like planet. And Cyteen is the capital planet of Union. It is the only planet to sustain an intelligence other than humanity - not even Union's Cyteen can claim that.

There is only one flaw - Union is implacably opposed to control from Earth and the fleet that Earth had sent out to subdue the rebellion are closer to being pirates than shining examples of Earth's best! Merchant ships that still tie the stars together have become fed up with the looting that Earth Fleet had long stooped to for resupply for after letting loose the dogs of war, Earth apparently turned it's back on the stars.

Banding together, the Merchanters gather on Pell to stand in Alliance against the actions of the Fleet and send a mission back to Earth to ask for succour.

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