Ethan of Ethos


Dr Ethan Urquhart is an obstretician on the planet of Athos.

Nothing too surprising about that you might think?

Thing is, Athos doesn't believe in women. Doesn't have any on the planet indeed, so Dr Urquhart might seem to be in for limited employment.

In fact, he's one of the busiest people on the planet. He is the deputy head of a Reproduction Centre where Athosian babies are cultured from ovarian samples.

But Athos has a problem. Those samples are ancient beyond days and are dying off leaving Athos in the position where there will be no more cultures left. And thus no more little Athosans.

Those who run Athos' government have spent a lot of money on purchasing new samples from Galactic sources but all they get back is a pile of rubbish - and that was the good stuff!

Ethan gets sent off-planet to buy further samples, but before he has a chance of getting started, he gets caught up in all sorts of weird allegations and actions on Kline Station. And strange people, not least the mysterious but beautiful Elli Quinn of the Free Dendarii Mercenaries, claiming to be on home leave but actually on a mission from her commander, one Admiral Naismith. Can he win free of the entanglements? Can he stay free of the devilish attractions Elli and her fellow women throw in his way? Will Kline Station ever make sense - particularly the eco police?

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