Second Foundation
Part I:
Search by the Mule. The Foundation is occupied by the forces of
the Mule, relegated to the role of province within the Kalganese
Only one thing lay between the Mule and Galactic domination; the still hidden Second Foundation. Threatened by this group the Mule sends out mission after mission to find this Foundation so he can have undisputed rule.
Five years of his life was spent on this galaxy wide search with no apparent result. But what was the reason this desperate search finally ended?
General Han Pritcher and a young Unconverted man by the name of Bail Channis find themselves in the Star kingdom of Tarzenda. Could this backwater be the true location of the Second Foundation, or just an elaborate ruse?
Part II:
Search by the Foundation. After the Mule's death, it did not take
the Foundation long to throw off the chains of oppression.
A generation after the Mule, the Foundation is beginning to slide into a fatal inertia again, this time based on the belief that the revealed Second Foundation will see them safe over any future hurdles. There are those who resent this growing dependence on the Second Foundation and they resolve to do something about it.
While their little cabal is looking for information to help them, war with a revitalised Kalgan makes sure that the Foundation has to take care of it's physical assets. Meanwhile our little cabal has worked out a method of detecting potential second Foundationers which provides a surprising answer to the identity of a member of their fellowship.
Page created by John Fairhurst
Page created 2010